Innovator, Entrepreneur, UI/ UX
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1. Afreen Bhumgara, Anand Pitale, “Detection of Network Intrusions using Hybrid Intelligent Systems” - IEEE International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, July 2019 (Presented, under publication)
2. Afreen Bhumgara, Anand Pitale , “Significance & Challenges of Big Data Research in India” - IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, September 2018 (Presented, under publication)
3. Anand Pitale , Afreen Bhumgara, “Human Computer Interaction Strategies - Designing the UI Interface” - IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, Nov 2019 (Presented, under publication)
4. Afreen Bhumgara, “Online Mobile Targeted Advertising” - IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (IEEE ICCIC)
5. Afreen Bhumgara, Anand Pitale, “Text to Image Synthesis in Generative Adversarial Networks” - Journal of Engineering Research and Application, ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 9,Issue 1 (Series -II) Jan 2019, pp 09-14
6. Afreen Bhumgara, “Fuzzy Systems and Applications Evolutionary Genetic Algorithms in the Aviation Industry” - International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, Vol 5, Issue 11, ISSN - 2231-0711
7. Afreen Bhumgara, Muhammad Salman, “Cloud Computing as a Tool for NGOs in India and Pakistan” - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 6 (6), ISSN - 0975-9646
8. Afreen Bhumgara, “Tools and Techniques for Designing, Implementing, & Evaluating Ubiquitous Computing Systems” - International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, ISSN: 2250-3005, Vol, 06, Issue, 12
9. Afreen Bhumgara, “Natural Language Processing: An analysis and review” - Proceedings of the International Conference at HNIMR, Jidnyasa, Volume 12/Issue II, March, 2019 ISSN: 0973-7936
10. Afreen Bhumgara, Irfan Sayyed, “Enterprise Resource Planning Systems” - International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, ISSN: 22311963
11. Afreen Bhumgara, “Integrating internet of things: A review on the effects on the future of the global community, challenges faced and security, privacy and perspective measures” - International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, ISSN - 2229-5518
12. Vatsal Kamlesh Shah, Afreen Bhumgara - “Modeling Organizational Planning Management” - The International Journal of Business & Management, ISSN 2321–8916
13. Afreen Bhumgara, Irfan Sayyed, “Business Marketing Environment and Dynamics” - The International Journal of Pure and Applied Researches, Vol. 4(1); pp. 35--54
14. Afreen Bhumgara, “Financial Risk Management: A Tool in Corporate Governance” - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (GB15Kolkata Conference) ISBN: 978-1-63415-898-5, Paper ID:K555
15. Afreen Bhumgara, “Production and Spreading of Cosmic High Energy Neutrinos” - International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Engineering and Technology, Vol 1, Issue 6, ISSN - 2456-2-998, pp: 267-281
16. Ravi Teja D, Afreen Bhumgara - “The Implications of Insulation and its Impacts – A Review” - International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Vol. 4, Issue 1
17. Afreen Bhumgara, “An empirical review and analysis of reduced-order combustion models for turbulent reacting flows” - International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science, ISSN (Print): 2320-9356, Vol. 4 Issue 12